I've had a bit of a spurt on the old reading front recently so I thought I'd post my updates - to keep me up-to-date more than anything!
I have read:
Random by Craig Robertson (review to follow). This was a strange one, but I think I liked it!
Blind Fury by Lynda La Plante (read my review here). Not her best, but OK.
The Guy Next Door by Meg Cabot (read my review here). Fun read!
Boy Meets Girl by Meg Cabot (read my review here). Another fun read!
Continuing with my latest reading of the Harry Potter series, I've also read:
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
I've also discovered the world of audio-books and have added these to my list of read (or listened!):
Alex Cross's Trial by James Patterson (read my review here). A departure from his usual Alex Cross books.
I, Alex Cross by James Patterson (review to follow). Alex Cross back to his best.
This brings my challenge totals to:
37 / 100 for The 100+ Reading Challenge hosted by Home Girl's Book Blog
11 / 12 for The Thriller and Suspense Challenge hosted by Book Chick City
6 / 10 for The James Patterson Challenge hosted by Socrates that has now finished :(
Book Review - Boy Meets Girl by Meg Cabot
Posted by
on Sunday, 15 August 2010
Meg Cabot,
Young Adult
Comments: (6)
Boy Meets Girl is the second book I've read by American author Meg Cabot, who is most famous for writing the 'Princess Diary' books that were made into popular films by Disney. Cabot is most well-known for her books for children and teens, although this new foray into the world of adult fiction is a successful one in my opinion.
This book is part of a series, although you don't have to read the books in order to enjoy them as it is more of a case that you will recognise the odd character from other books and the setting is the same, although the actual stories in the different books are otherwise independent from each other.
Kate MacKenzie works in the human resources department of the fictional New York Journal magazine. She is, as the blurb describes her, 'reluctant deliverer of termination notices and queen of instant messaging'. Ida Lopez is the creator of the most delightful cakes which she sells to the employees of the New York Journal by means of a dessert trolley, although she has her own very exacting standards of who is worthy of her treats. Mitch Hertzog is a corporate lawyer who is forever the saviour of the underdog, shunning a life of family wealth to make a difference to those less fortunate. When Ida decides that Mitch's tyrant brother is undeserving of her cakes, all hell breaks loose and Kate, Mitch and Ida must work together against the tyrants and the nepotism to find the truth.